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Criminal Defense

Criminal law applies to theft, domestic violence, fraud, assault, robbery, murder, arson, rape, and other criminal acts. Criminal proceedings mainly deal with defendants who "violate the criminal law."
When someone is arrested and charged with a crime, they will be taken to criminal court. In the criminal court, the government will prosecute the offenders. The criminal court judge can punish you and sentence you to imprisonment for your illegal behavior. When you are accused of a criminal offense, please contact our team of defense lawyers. Any form of conviction may affect future life and immigration status in the United States. We will provide you with all-around criminal legal assistance.
One of the most stressful events a person may have is being arrested for a criminal offense or knowing that they are under investigation for a crime. Anyone who finds themselves in this scenario should contact a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense lawyer or public defender as soon as possible. The attorneys at Blumsack & Canzano, P.C. may be able to intervene and speak with the investigating officer, District Attorney, or other prosecuting authority early enough in the criminal investigative process to have charges dismissed or considerably reduced.
At Blumsack & Canzano, our decades of experience have taught us that anybody can find themselves in a situation of dealing with the criminal justice system. If you have found yourself in this situation, please call us today! We strive to treat each and every client with respect while mounting an aggressive and zealous defense that takes full advantage of our judicial system of constitutional protections and civil rights. Whether that process begins with a pre-indictment investigation, a motion practice, preparing for trial, or the actual trial itself, the criminal lawyers of Blumsack & Canzano, P.C. do everything we can to ensure satisfying results for our clients.
State & Federal Criminal Defense Attorneys
Our knowledgeable and passionate legal team can provide the aggressive criminal representation and defense that you need and deserve to challenge your pending charges. Don’t do this alone! If you have been charged with a crime and are facing criminal charges at the state or federal level, it is crucial that you hire a public defender or an experienced criminal defense team. Failing to hire a criminal lawyer may be the difference between retaining your freedom or spending time behind bars. Contact us today, to start resolving your criminal case.
We are ready to fight for you! We understand that the majority of our clients never expected to face criminal charges. And that you've come to us during one of your most humiliating and stressful periods. Our clients appreciate Blumsack & Canzano because we mitigate your stress by being attentive and involved. We all know that one bad decision, lack of judgment, poor decision, or false accusation can land you in a courtroom appealing for mercy. It’s a scary and uncertain time and shouldn’t be handled without a proper criminal defense.
Whether you have been charged with a state or federal crime, a misdemeanor, or a felony, our compassionate and experienced criminal defense lawyers are ready to deliver effective quality legal counsel and representation that you’ll need throughout your case and after.
Quality, Experienced Legal Representation You Can Trust! Because Results Matter!
Blumsack & Canzano, P.C., a Boston-based law firm, represents clients charged with misdemeanors, state and federal charges, assault and battery charges, felony charges, property and theft charges, drug charges, DWI charges (driving while intoxicated), federal drug conspiracy charges, domestic violence, fraud, assault, robbery, murder, arson, rape, and other criminal acts. We handle criminal proceedings that mainly deal with defendants who "violate the criminal law." Each criminal defense lawyer in our offices tailors their aggressive legal representation to each client's specific needs.
If you are accused of a crime, you will need to know how to find a good criminal defense attorney and how to find a strong, confident, and experienced defense team to solve your problems. It is often easy to make mistakes in the process of criminal appeal or prosecution. For example, mistaken identity or misunderstandings caused by language barriers, unwittingly being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or the person who can use the judicial system to appeal for personal purposes. These possible mistakes and troubles can be prevented by consulting with the criminal lawyers at Blumsack & Canzano, P.C.
Top-Rated Legal Counsel
When you're facing criminal charges the stakes are high, you need experienced criminal defense lawyers or a public defender in your corner who can accept your case promptly and confidently. A team that will go above and beyond to thoroughly investigate your criminal case to achieve the best possible results in or out of court. Your legal matters are important to us. Our passionate criminal lawyers offer top-rated legal counsel to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your criminal situation.
Even before the case enters trial, our law firm's purpose is to actively and tenaciously defend our clients! You must be aware of your legal rights and take prompt steps to defend them.
Our team of criminal defense lawyers will safeguard your rights and will inform you of the litigation process and the choices you will face afterward as soon as possible. We promise to thoroughly investigate your case, adopt any applicable substantive or procedural defense, identify relevant evidence and witnesses, ask the prosecution to bear the burden of proof, and present a case defense in your favor to the prosecuting party, the judge, and the jury. We are committed to obtaining the most beneficial results for you and are always ready to assist your case. We will provide you with advice and guidance throughout the process.
Our criminal defense law firm brings confidence and knowledge of local courts' culture and practices to defend people like you who have been charged with assault & battery, theft, domestic violence, robbery, fraud, murder, arson, rape, or other criminal charges. We are ready to provide you with tenacious and aggressive legal counsel. Call us now to speak with one of our experienced criminal lawyers today!
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