Pro Bono
Blumsack & Canzano, P.C. supports its attorneys in serving their communities and fulfilling their professional and ethical responsibilities by providing pro bono legal services to appropriate individuals and organizations. Blumsack & Canzano, P.C. attorneys provide pro bono services at the same level of quality and commitment as billable services.
All our attorneys, regardless of level, are encouraged to devote a portion of their time and professional services to pro bono matters. Undertaking such activities is essential for every attorney’s professional and ethical responsibility.
The term "pro bono" comes from the Latin pro bono publico, which means "for the public good." The ABA describes the parameters of pro bono for practicing lawyers in the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Model Rule 6.1 states that lawyers should aspire to render--without fee--at least 50 hours of pro bono publico legal services per year, with an emphasis that these services be provided to people of limited means or nonprofit organizations that serve the poor. The rule recognizes that only lawyers have the special skills and knowledge needed to secure access to justice for low-income people, whose enormous unmet legal needs are well documented. Nearly every state has an ethical rule that calls upon lawyers to render pro bono services.
Blumsack & Canzano’s public service commitment is a hallmark of the firm, rooted in the example set by the firm’s founders more than 50 years ago. From securing asylum for endangered immigrants to helping people keep their homes, to winning the release of the wrongly convicted, our law firm strives to provide the highest level of pro bono legal advice and support to those who need it most. By providing direct representation and partnering with human rights, legal reform, and other organizations, we help impoverished individuals, underserved communities, nonprofits, and small businesses that might otherwise lack access to legal services.
Our public service commitment is a hallmark of the firm, rooted in the example set by the firm’s founders of Blumsack & Canzano, P.C. Our attorneys, paralegals, and other professionals nationwide donated more than 500 hours of Pro Bono legal services every year. We demonstrate our ongoing commitment to public service by actively encouraging all of its attorneys firmwide to engage in pro bono work.
On September 14, 2012, the New York State Court of Appeals adopted a new rule requiring applicants for admission to the New York State bar to perform 50 hours of pro bono services. Under the New York State Pro Bono requirement, persons applying for admission to the New York State Bar must file an affidavit showing that they have performed fifty hours of pro bono service.
What counts:
Pro bono work must be law-related and supervised by an attorney, judge, or law school faculty or instructor in order to qualify.
Internships with a broad range of organizations including legal services providers; public defender and prosecutor offices; not-for-profit organizations; state, local, or federal government agencies or legislative bodies; and judges or court systems can all count if the work is law-related and properly supervised.
Pro bono work abroad can also qualify if it is law-related and properly supervised. You will be asked to explain the nature and circumstances of the work in detail.
Pro bono work at a law firm can qualify as long as no fee is being paid, and the work is duly supervised and law-related.
You are allowed to receive funding or academic credit for qualifying pro bono work and still satisfy the requirement.
What does NOT count:
Scholarly research, such as academic research for a professor or work for a law journal or publication.
Student-directed pro bono, because works are not supervised by an attorney.
Community service that is not law-related, such as serving food at a shelter.
Pro bono work done before you started law school. However, LLMs can count some work completed prior to the LLM program.
In evaluating the possibility of a conflict, the law firm management will consider the potential for adverse publicity or involvement in activities that might be perceived as contrary to the best interest of the Firm or existing Firm clients. Special care will be taken with respect to employment-related matters. The Firm will continue its policy of not accepting representation of employees in employment disputes except when the attorney is involuntarily appointed in such a case by a judge.
Pro bono matters should be treated as what they are: real cases with real clients involving real work. Accordingly, pro bono cases should be given the same priority, dedication, and resources as are other matters. For example, emergency pro bono matters take precedence over non-emergency paying matters, and vice-versa. Likewise, when appropriate, pro bono clients should be requested to commit some amount of their time, effort, or resources to confirm their commitment to the legal activity being undertaken.
If you are interested in our pro bono program, please reach out to our office at hr@mybostonlawfirm.com for more information.
Pro Bono Legal Service Volunteer
Do you want to volunteer to provide pro bono legal assistance? No matter your practice or practice setting, there are opportunities for you. We provide a powerful voice for the people of Greater Boston, standing up for those who are from lower-income households. We strive to give equal access to justice with the help of volunteers like you.
Job requirements :
Law School Graduates or Candidate
Legal writing
Communication skill
Familiar with Microsoft office
Being bilingual is a plus
Please send resume and cover letter to hr@mybostonlawfirm.com